A great picture from a 1994 trip into Lake Basin in Kings Canyon National Park. This shows us descending to Marion Lake on part of the Sierra High Route. While the grass looks like it reaches the water, there's actually a 400 foot drop down a very steep chute! Photo by Knapsack leader (and then-trip participant) Stephanie Wilson. The full image is 63K.
This time a picture of Stephanie Wilson, looking out from the Keyhole, a delightful narrow passageway between Humphreys Basin and Darwin Bench in the Central Sierra. No trails here, all travel is cross-country. Photo by trip member Naomi Ribner. The full image is 56K.
From a 1996 trip into Ionian Basin. Looking up at Charybdis and over the Enchanted Gorge to the Monarch Divide in the distance. This is one of the most remote places in the Sierra Nevada. Photo by trip member George Phoenix. The full image is 48K.
From the 1997 leader training trip into the Silver Divide area. Our training trips are usually run in late June, as you can see from the abundant snow. This gives students a chance to practice snow travel techniques (such as ice-axe use) and we're also assured of some high water for stream crossing techniques. Photo by Stephanie Wilson. The full image is 56K.
Looking East at Lake Aloha in the Desolation Wilderness. This wilderness area lies just West of Lake Tahoe. Photo by Knapsack Leader Paul McKown. The full image is 67K.
Three hikers below an amazing watercourse, surrounded by granite. Taken on Kibbie Creek in Yosemite Park. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 62K.
High above treeline, but still below Shepard Pass. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 65K.
The Tuolumne River near Glen Aulin. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 63K.
Looking down at camp above Barrett Lake in the high Palisade Basin. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 70K.
Sitting on top of El Capitan, looking south across Yosemite Valley. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 56K.
Here a woman is crossing the bracing waters of Granite Creek in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. When the bottom's sandy, it's nice to go across barefoot. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 63K.
There's nothing like a nice snooze on a slab of granite after lunch. Photo by Paul McKown. The full image is 72K.